Could nationalism help Africa?

We look at most developed countries worldwide & the one consistent pattern is that they are either: 1) nation states or 2) speak one language . Perhaps this looks almost meaningless to us Africans but I hope to explain to you, the reader, why it is almost fundamental to have a unified identity for a country to prosper. The oldest example of a land that fell apart because the residents spoke different languages is in the Bible, where the people wanted to reach God's heights in Babylon & God made them separate by making them all speak different languages & scattered them. For the religious, this may be enough to lay them off multiculturalism but I think I'll need more to convince those who do not read the Torah or Bible. A unified identity for a country means everyone has a way to express themselves & find their place in a land, compare this in contrast to South Africa where white South Africans refuse to unite with black South Africans citing cultural differen...