ABOVE: A common slogan & imagery when people rebel against oppressive, corrupt or foreign governance. We have a problem. We just simply can't mind our own business. I'm referring to this concept I learnt in the past decade, sovereignty . According to my dictionary, it is:- "The state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations" for a country or for the individual, "The liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions." And I understand that. An individual is their own sovereign, a family is sovereign over their own day-to-day practices, a romantic couple is sovereign in things happening between them, a nation is sovereign over the politics of their land. I have always seen things this way for as long as I can remember. It's your life & you will meet your fate, where will other people be when you're in the dumps by yourself? They won't be there because they have their own lives to live. Li...
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