The future of South Africa.

I'm sure we all chuckle at & mock the antics of the leaders of this land but let's get serious, what is the direction we are going? What is the future of South Africa? I write this article with genuine concern because I believe we're heading in the wrong direction. I believe we're heading down a path we really do not want to go. Whether it's the communist philosophies of the ruling party that (domain expired) so frequently highlights that often include tribalism, unfair discrimination & an odd attachment to Apartheid tactics & legislature or just odd faux pas that lead a country into ruin; the leadership of the land definitely leaves anyone with enough knowledge very, very worried. It's said that to determine the future, one has to look at past patterns & this looks very dark for our collective future as South Africans.

Personally, I began getting worried about South Africa in 2009 when President Zuma took charge of the land because there was already a cloud hanging over him on the eve of his presidency & wondered if South Africa would seriously vote for someone like him. To my surprise, they did. Ofcourse, South Africa - like many other African countries - is known to rig elections so maybe I can find solace in that. But around that time, it was when FIFA World Cup fever was in South Africa so we almost didn't care that someone like Msholozi was President of South Africa. It was only in 2012, that I woke up to the land's politics when the story of mismanagement of funds by our government was all over social media, in particular, Twitter. I am not a taxpayer because I am an unemployed youth like many in South Africa, but I do care about how the country I live in is being run as I'd like to be led by upright, honest & competent people like I'd imagine most people would like to be.

Today, someone called Ramaphosa is president of South Africa. A well-known billionaire, educated diplomat & someone who is probably more capitalist in mindset than his ANC counterparts. He is also South Africa's first Venda president. His style of leadership is showing us it's true colours under this so-called "corona virus pandemic". I can tell that he is more aligned with the wealthy in the land & not so much the people at the bottom judging by the legislature he has implemented to prevent the spread of the corona virus in South Africa. Common people just do not understand these new corona virus lockdown laws which says a lot on how connected or disconnected Ramaphosa is with the common people of South Africa. Ramaphosa is also known to have been behind the infamous Marikana Massacre where striking miners were killed when police fired live ammunition at them, so killing large swaths of people is not something he is not familiar with.

As we look to the future, a man who is currently deputy president of the land, is said to take over after Ramaphosa. A man called Mr. David Mabuza. I know very little of this man but he does seem reasonable as most Swazi people I've seen but is he ready for the filth storm that is South Africa? Only time will tell.

I now am a quasi-famous individual for some reason but it's likely due to my political beliefs & critiques of the ruling government that has led me to be almost world famous in a way. I do not agree with how South Africa was founded, I believe the concept of South Africa was ill-concieved & against the indigenous nations of this land. Some may think this is backwards thinking & we must push forward in a multicultural state but with this much discrimination, racism, tribalism, cultural disagreements & ideological differences is it practical? There's already Orania & the movement to obtain a sovereign Cape state. The moment you mention "Zulu" or embrace a practical capitalist principal you're almost just shunned & frowned upon. It simply cannot go on like this.

So, here is what I predict for the future of South Africa; the people will get more enlightened & will want better for themselves & it will simply lead to violence, unrest & an almost French Revolution style retaliation from the masses who would've become fed up with bad leadership. Who will be the target of the people of South Africa's rage remains to be seen but there seems to be only one black, green & gold elephant in the room. What happens after that is something I don't think anyone, at present, is ready for.


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