If I was the President of the Republic of South Africa.

If I was President of South Africa, I'd follow the Thomas Sankara model of leadership & be a hands on president. I'd obviously focus on things that will improve the land & things that will benefit me once I retire. I would be a people's president because I like a land run by a nation as opposed to an individual. Here are a few things that I'll focus on were I to obtain power.

• Create provinces according to pre-colonial nations:
 Anyone who knows me, knows I'm bit of a socialist nationalist who favours individual freedoms so I'd give every land in the country back to the people who inhabited it originally including my very own Mpofana clan. The provinces would be autonomous & would be given full right to a referendum to gain independence or independence from South Africa if that people's traditional leader (i. e. their monarch) wishes. 

• Transport: We always complain of the transport system in this land & some foreigners even think there is simply no transport system in South Africa so I would revamp the rail, bus & taxi system by making them all state-owned so the state can earn revenue & hire drivers as government employees.

• Food security: I would create state-owned farms & state-owned supermarkets to ensure foods are made affordable to the people by the state.

Government officials uniform: I like militant uniform & would ensure all ministers I appoint including myself wear state ceremonial military clothing or soldier's uniform when on duty. With or without bulletproof vest & firearm.

• State expenditure on MPs would decrease & would give each minister or government official a car from a state-owned electric/solar car brand.

• State symbolism: The flag of South Africa would be the black, yellow, green ANC flag & coat of arms would remain the same.

• State language: IsiZulu would be the state language as the majority of South Africa speaks or understands the language.

Schools & school transport: I would build new schools or revamp & extend schools & colleges where there is a need for new or larger educational institutions. There would be free education until Grade 5 (in a 10 Grades school system) & school transport system.

Return lands to eSwatini & Lesotho: I would give back the lands owned by South Africa that previously belonged to the Swazi & Sotho nations.

Rename all cities, towns, rivers & mountains by indigenous names: This may not seem important to some but it does serve as a sort of cultural dignity.

These would be some of the things I'd do as president of South Africa & people I appoint as ministers & all decisions made by my government would be based on simple logic, scientific facts & African heritage. I would ensure South Africa maintains it's sovereignty & is not influenced by unknown external factors. #MthokoMpofana2024 


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