Why countries should consider planning for the future based on present patterns.

This may be just a brief essay on future planning but I think it is important which is why I wrote it. The problems we will face in future globally are overpopulation which may cause food shortage, water shortages & the ever present global warming (& climate change) which will be exponentially increased by an increasing population which will need transport, electricity & other goods which will release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Future planning also takes into consideration the path of life the majority of individuals would take. In I. Y. I. L. E.'s proposals document, there's plans for man-made forests/vegetation, renewable energy plans (which have optimal potential maps), state owned electric & solar-powered vehicles (which would be the land's sole vehicle brand), population control... all these would help in making a better country & planet in future. On top of I. Y. I. L. E.'s proposals, there's plans to create quality individuals as opposed to individuals that are raised by communities because the community isn't always the best "sub-parents" for kids. Discipline & knowledge of the land's laws would be added to each individual's character by army service & a Zulu Laws & Customs subject at school because street/community laws & customs aren't always the best. Some may claim "it takes a village to raise a child" but if that child is in a ghetto with hardened criminals, your child will turn out to be a hardened criminal.

Back to the topic of environmental future planning, I. Y. I. L. E. proposed high-rise flats for the increasing population to make more space for vegetation which will be good for the environment.

Some may assume if the planet Earth becomes uninhabitable, they'll just go live on Mars forgetting that going to Mars costs a fortune so even if the final solution is for humanity to live on Mars after we destroy the planet, only the mega-rich or select few lucky individuals would go live there. So as common folk, we have to just forget about leaving the planet if oxygen runs out. So while I definitely support Elon Musk's idea of making homo sapiens an interplanetary species, we must understand that we're not now free to increase pollution & carbon emissions because plants & grass will be planted on another planet that will supposedly save us if Earth goes. We'd be really fanciful if we thought so.

The fact that South African society is so corrupt & polluted just goes to show that we didn't plan forward so we'd make quality, disciplined, forward-thinking individuals who would have the clarity of mind to understand climate change is happening. The fact that there are people with nowhere to live, there are water shortages & loadshedding goes to show that future planning is vital & the state should be held responsible for inequality, pollution & carbon emissions within a land.


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