Constant growth.

We can't avoid change, it is inevitable. But this does not mean we should force ourselves to change for no reason. I say this in the light of new inventions, new technology & 5G popping up. Don't get me wrong, I love progress & invention but I think we're at a point where we should limit what we consume so we do not deplete unrenewable resources on the planet. By this, I mean technology that causes environmental damage should be given a period to be used e. g. five years & then made illegal or heavily fined after that period. There's is only so much we can consume before these unrenewable resources run out or their use causes extensive damage to the planet. Think of how many cars, phones & all sorts of other luxuries we really don't need there are. If you care of future generations & the longevity of life on this planet you'll understand the need for this call. We need to reduce our consumption if we want our way of life to continue. There need to be humane ways of controlling the population like a one-child policy & making it illegal for children to be born outside wedlock, we need to start using electric vehicles & improve public transport by using electric & solar-powered buses, taxis & trains. 

The more the population increases, the more things need to be manufactured. This can only continue for so long before raw materials to manufacture what we consume run out. Also, there is no need for us to change if something works for us. Just because new more sophisticated devices are being made, it doesn't mean we should get them if we don't absolutely need them. Population growth & new unnecessary luxuries being made to consume will only prove harmful in future. Before you buy or eat something, you need to ask yourself whether you need something or are you just being gluttonous. We need to live within our needs.

M. M. Future Eco  

More about this topic in this video called the "Tragedy of the commons".


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