The absurdity of not fighting for a sovereign Zulu state because it would be "too great".

I actually wanted nothing more than a Zulu state a while ago, doing everything I could to rally people around this cause & go to meetings in Durban.

Four years of research, devising plans & campaigning for a Utopia only for it to be diluted as though a juice concentrate into something that should be whispered about. Becoming a debate on who is Zulu & who is not Zulu & how the "Zulu state" was formed... some even implying that the Zulu state can't exist because it was created by bloodshed. But then, South Africa was also created by bloodshed. 

Ideally, Zulu will be the lingua franca & sole official language accompanied with various indigenous languages but French speakers would still speak French at home, Portuguese would still speak their language at home & so would English speakers, Swahili speakers etc. The point was to have a land that has a sort of legitimacy to it. Rather than the rainbow everyone was so hyped up about in 1994 which today often leaves us with more questions than answers, we'd get rid of the Babylon & have a textbook nation state.

These criticisms that non-Zulu people create to make us seem less Zulu can only go so far until we realise that they are diversions & illusions to distract us from reaching our goal. Zulu history IS complex with some still claiming that they are not Zulu, some claiming they are either Nguni, Dlamini or Mbo. All these are so petty & almost insignificant considering the hundreds of years of intermarriage between present-day Zulu tribes. There's also the ancestral part of being Zulu which some bring up & they almost want to bar certain groups from being Zulu, this is something I blame on non-Zulu people that want to divide us. They even go as far as implying a second Mfecane would happen. How? Why would ISilo uZwelithini see fit to attack certain groups like King Shaka did? King Shaka formed the Zulu state by war & today the nation he created still stands. The only wars King Goodwill would have reason to take part in would be wars against those who oppose the state/state laws after KwaZulu gains independence or those attacking the state after independence whether they be foreigners or within the lands borders. A second Mfecane may not be beyond some but having the actual sheer madness to carry it through is unheard of in the modern age. We must remember that the 1800's were a different time; there were no guns, bombs or international criminal courts for this region. Running after someone with a spear & shield to steal their cattle is a good way to get killed or arrested. We live in a less romantic time today.

A lot of non-Zulu people like to mock Zulu people & claim the former Zulu king, Shaka (officially Sigidi) was a madman & say it's crazy for Zulu people to glorify him. Well, my stance is that everyone today calls themselves Zulu & not Nguni, Mbo, Dlamini or Ngwane. The unity was brought about by King Shaka. The fact that we survived Mfecane is simply testament that our ancestors survived or were spared in the forming of King Shaka's Empire & today we are one of the most respected & well-known tribes not only in Africa but worldwide which is Inkosi yakwaZulu uSigidi's legacy. That is reason enough for us to, at least, be thankful for his deeds.

We must remember that not all tribes were attacked by the Zulu warriors & a lot of tribes for some or other reason were going around attacking & plundering other tribes. The Ndwandwe & Bhaca were also perpetrators of these crimes during the first half of the 1800's. Some tribes did return after King Shaka's death or after King Dingane's or other Zulu kings death & call themselves Zulu today & speak the Zulu language. Nobody calls the language Nguni or Ndwandwe anymore but everyone around the world including natives of KwaZulu-Natal call it Zulu. To officially call it the Ndwandwe language today would be just strange & almost crass (N.B.: The Zulu tribe initially spoke a Nguni dialect called isiThefuya & spoke the modern Zulu language later).

We've dealt & re-dealt with criticisms of Zuluness & historical/cultural obstacles & always come to the conclusion that a Zulu state would not be a land filled with continuous civil war as some might suspect. Why would there be civil war when we are trying to build our collective economy in any case? If we have any qualms, we could see it out in a sports arena in the modern age. We do not have the time or money to waste in civil war. 

In Spain, various secessionist movements have existed because of the autonomy certain regions have. This is unlikely to happen here in KwaZulu because we all already speak one language at home & in public, have a similar culture & could have a representative house of chiefs in our parliament to further unify separate traditional authorities.

This proposed state would promote a sort of thoroughbred-ness which we somewhat lack in secular South Africa.

Make of it what you will but I'm looking forward to a reliable on-time transport system, renewable energy project to solve the loadshedding problem, a disciplined society where all males have had served in the army & last but not least a sport programme that spots talent at an early age & produces world-class athletes & sportsmen. I am looking forward to Port Shepstone having teams of various sporting codes playing in a national league. Should a sovereign Zulu state become a reality, I'm looking forward to a state-of-the-art national transport system that will consider people that need transport later in the night & earlier in the day, an education programme tailored to create well-prepared individuals as opposed to one that is was designed by colonial ideologies, I'm looking forward to a land that has all state-owned enterprises with balance sheet statements visible to the public online & are updated on a regular basis & a land that has all state expenditure visible to the public online. I want to see a land where people are either working, at home or doing something productive & not just sitting around on the street.

No political party has proposed any of the things above in South Africa & even if they were to propose such, they would still be discouraged in this colonial creation of South Africa reminiscent of when Dusty & Danny suggested a plan to Reuben in the beginning of Ocean's Eleven only for Reuben to simply point out loudly "You're still in the middle of the f***ing desert!" It would almost defeat the purpose of the plans to have our proposals executed while in South Africa.


As a people, race & nation; we have suffered enough & I think it is time we commence our path towards self-determination. The worst that we can do is be a slightly more successful Swaziland or be an African powerhouse in a best case scenario which don't seem like bad prospects.



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