Dear white people: The Natalian version

There's already been an open letter called "Dear white people" before written by some opinionist online which gained a little popularity on social media, I've read the open letter a bit & wasn't that inspired by it frankly. I'm writing this version of "Dear white people" as a guy that has mostly lived in KZN my whole life, has studied some world cultures & languages & understands South African history & this land's modern culture. I have lived among black, white, coloured & Indian groups so I think I'm more than qualified to speak on South Africa's matters. I don't like racism but at the same time understand why it exists. Life in South Africa has been good for white people, until recently, life in South Africa for white South Africans has been comparable to first world countries while us black South Africans have waddled in misery & poverty. When many white South Africans still dream of the old days when blacks were still oppressed, I think that they must be reminded that those days have long passed & they're lucky to have a political party that still approves of their existence in South Africa. Were we like other African countries, we would've deported our minority populations back home. Whether life would've been better or worse for us after the mass deportation is debatable but we would no longer have the racism problem, that's all I'm saying. It's not hate speech it's simple fact. I am not Mandela, I am not the ANC, I am not rich, I see the story as it is so in this blog, I am going to be blunt.

Here's the story: there is no room for Afrikaner or white supremacist ideologies in Africa or South Africa for that matter. Maybe white supremacists in South Africa are relying on China or former colonial powers to back white supremacist beliefs & maybe they will but the native people of South Africa have their own agenda which probably does not include being ruled by colonial era settlers or other foreign countries. Yes, African leaders are always quick to sell their people out for easy money but how long will that carry on until the indigenous people retaliate against foreign rule? I'm not trying to be funny here or deliberately spread any hate but how long do you think an indigenous folk that does not look like you or speak your language will accept your rule? It was easier in America & Oceania because those people are much lighter skinned & had already adopted some Eurasian traits, customs or ideologies but Africa is a completely different case because on top of being much more different in appearance to other darker skinned people worldwide, we virtually have zero in common with lighter skinned people of other continents. Our road to modernisation was unlike other continents or regions as sub-Saharan Africa. We had to modernise to survive, not because we wanted to. I do not see Arabs as any different to Europeans personally, their presence in Africa is as recent as Europeans. Africa is alone & has always been alone, our inclusion in world events is mere diplomacy. Whether other world powers want us or do not want us in their events, it should not matter to us. Inclusion in a global events should not be reason to celebrate when our lands are garbage. We should fix our lands to our liking & see later whether we want to join world events or organisations such as the United Nations or International Criminal Court.

I'm not going to claim Africa would be better off if it was not colonised or had no non-black people, I cannot see what life in alternate dimensions, universes or realities would be like. All I can say is white people are increasingly looking out of place in Africa & it would simply be easier to either adopt a less uppity approach to matters concerning South Africa & live in submission to black rule or for them to go to another country where they will be more accepted because Africans still have an oppressed & backwards mentality which does not approve of foreign ideologies & even if we were to become more educated, we'd become more nationalist & continue to disapprove of colonial mentalities albeit in a more sophisticated manner. The tolerance for the stubbornness of white supremacy in South Africa is continuously wearing thin. I'm a practical person & treat people by how they treat me, I don't think I'm racist but when push comes to shove, I'll side with what's best for me. The future of white South Africa is dying & there's no certainty whether their stubbornness will help them.


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