Measuring time.

I'm wondering how measuring time first came about & thought of sundials as probably the first concepts of a watch & at night they'd probably watch the stars to tell the time. In Africa, the Ishango bone of Uganda (9000-6500 BC) & the Lebombo Bone of Swaziland (42 000 BC) are probably the oldest time measuring artefacts in the world. 

But why isn't a minute just simply 100 seconds, an hour 100 minutes? This would make a day 8 hours & 64 minutes. I think this comes from ancient civilisations who didn't have the time measuring luxuries we have today. If we would change to this 8 hour day of mine, many would probably miss the comfort of a 24 hour day anyway. Maybe I should just coin this as the Mthoko Mpofana day scale & start making devices that measure the day with 8 hours & 64 minutes & see if anyone is keen to buy into it. 


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