Black on black hate.

I remember a comedian commenting on how black people are bigger victims of crime committed by black people than their white counterparts. Further going on to say something along the lines of "It's easier to rob someone in the ghetto than travel miles to a white suburb where there's tons of security to commit the same crime". 

Speaking from a South African perspective, it can't be that black people are still at the bottom & constantly ridiculed & victimised by a country's system when non-black minorities are kept so safe & attended to as though royalty. I'm not saying non-black minorities of South Africa should be as much victims of the system as the black people of the land but when is the askari-ism going to stop? I think this needs to be exposed, black people hate each other more than other races do

Also, there is no way decades after "decolonisation", Africans are still seen as the scum of the earth to this day by non-sub-Saharan Africans. Did our leaders or even intellectuals not consider us worth respect or dignifying to the extent that west Africans are literally dying to leave their countries? What is that?

Is the diaspora to blame & not Africans in Africa to blame for our bad reputation? The colonisation excuse is tired because most of the world was colonized by European lands but none has as dark a aura as Africa. Polynesians, Melanesians, Aborigines & Indians have darker skin too but are not as ridiculed as the black African. So I cannot see why we are so oppressed even by our own to such an extreme extent.

We can't control hate from people who are not like us or look like us, in fact, it should be expected. What is the absolute poison & cancer among black people is this self-hate we have... something I called Treasure Richards syndrome in one of my voicenotes.

But I also think there's a difference between outright hatred & some light disdain, sometimes we just show contempt for our own kind because we know their ways but it is rarely absolute destructive hatred as we have seen as King Leopold's Belgium in Congo or Apartheid South Africa deliberately infecting black people with AIDS & TB. It would be terribly sad if there was a black person who hates black people to that extent.

We really need to start "redefining who we be" as India Arie says in the song "I am not my hair" because hair is just a physical attribute & not a character or a personality. How you wear your hair might say something about you but that's about it. Hair is just hair, 300 years ago most Africans were probably walking around with massive uncombed afros & had different personalities then.

The African diaspora in the West (Carribean & Americas) really needs some acknowledgement on divulging into this subject of Blackness (or Brown-ness) because had we not known their views, we would not have a lot of black consciousness movements or Afro-futurists on the African continent. We may even have a more oppresed mindset than we do now on the African continent were it not for the diaspora in the West.

We should show contempt & disdain towards regressive mentalities of fellow black people like Chris Rock says on one of his comedy sets called "Black people versus Niggas". Because a lot of our problems as black people is caused by overconfident ignorance... the sooner this is dealt with, the better our image & quality of life will become.

A lot of people might claim I'm just being a whuss or "scared of the ghetto" by writing this but where does street life usually end? That life for me is just simply not worth it. I'd rather stay the nerd I always was than get in trouble doing some wild nonsense in the ghetto. That's just my truth.


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