Corona virus

Corona virus or Covid-19 in medical terms is given the name because it has a crown structure (corona means crown in Latin). It is said to have been found in 2019. 

• It is said to have been discovered in a wet meat market in Wuhan, China in bats. Then it was later claimed to be pangolins from Africa. Which raises question as to why it didn't kill Africans first because Africans have been living with pangolins for thousands of years.
• Some scientists claim the corona virus would've needed 800 years to mutate naturally into it's current deadly form under the right circumstances, this means it was likely tampered with in a laboratory to become more deadly.
• There were rumours that black people couldn't get it or it couldn't survive in hot areas like Africa but Algeria & South Africa are registering high numbers of infections & the African American community is said to be suffering more than other groups from the virus in the U.S.A.
Hoax claims: There's a sense that the corona virus could be a hoax because of the inconsistency of the stories surrounding it.
• The only popular methods of combating the disease seem to be chloroquine & an organic cure endorsed by the Madagascan government. Other than that the medical community seems to be endorsing anti-inflammatories.
• People at risk of the corona virus are said to be the elderly & people with weakened immune systems. This means people with compromised immunity such as people under influence of alcohol or with immunity-suppressing diseases are at greater risk of being more affected by the corona virus. This, however, does not mean that younger people with healthy immune systems cannot be hospitalised from Covid-19.
• It's said corona virus can remain viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours and on plastic and stainless steel up to 72 hours but washing your hands with soap & cleansing surfaces with bleach can kill the virus.
• Touching your face can further spread the virus on your body.
• The upside to the corona virus is that it has a low mortality rate.
• It spreads through body fluids which means touching & talking with someone at close range can spread it (so face masks or face shields are necessary) as well as touching surfaces that have the virus.

I don't think the corona virus is the apocalypse or some biblical prophecy but hope religious people & world faiths help in combating this disease. This corona virus seems to follow a similar story to HIV/AIDS because HIV/AIDS was found in a homosexual group in the U.S.A. & suddenly exploded in Africa out of the blue. When Africans have been living with monkeys for thousands of years & eating their meat, it seems strange that an unknown virus would come from monkeys & infect humans in the latter part of the twentieth century after thousands of years. 

This is just my gathered knowledge of Covid-19 & not an expert analysis from a trained medic but I hope it helps the good people reading this blog in combating the virus. Take care. 


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