12 December 2020

Maybe people still think I believe in secession but I can assure you now that I'm preoccupied with other things in my life than this utopian dream that will simply never happen. The online pages are still there but serve no purpose except as a reminder of what could've been. 

Even though there is a KwaZulu-Natal Independence political party now, I do not think people who are benefiting from grants are interested. I also want to debunk this stereotype that Zulu people are warmongering & are criminals. Perhaps some Zulus want to live up to this archaic stereotype but the thought of jail & death will deter those wise enough from doing so.

Today, on the I.Y.I.L.E. Facebook page, we woke up to find an Afrikaner man frothing at the mouth claiming that they are going to "take over the municipalities". Frankly, I couldn't care... as long as they run things better. I'm way past this fighting for black people & "black pride" nonsense. I need to get my finances together & look out for number one so screw your black struggle, it won't do bugger-all for anyone, least of all me. I did not listen to the full one hour & twenty-something minutes of this man's rant nor do I intend to listen to it but anyone who is interested is welcome to go see it for a laugh or just out of curiosity.

Rightist Afrikaner movements have always had a bad reputation in South Africa since Apartheid & after Apartheid. It is only now that world leaders & other people around the world are beginning to think that they were not that bad. But it only takes a brief search in history books & some online media to see that they were abhorrently hateful of the indigenous black population as well as other non-white populations. I feel sorry for the few Afrikaners that are not racist because for them, it will always be a case of racist until proven otherwise. Being that Afrikaner culture is inherently racist in it's nature, a large part of Afrikaners & their offspring will be, unfortunately, racist.

Anglos are the more favoured white population in South Africa & globally because they don't consistently mourn over their fallen Reich that has been trampled upon by so-called "black elites" of South Africa (N.B.: "Black elites" are the fat cats of South African politics-they are not physically, mentally or emotionally elite). South African Anglos as well as other South Africans of European descent, like other people around the world are more welcoming of other people unlike the isolationist Afrikaners.

As a Mpofana, I know the nuisance that comes with knowing that your ancestors moved from a land & you have no real method of re-obtaining a dead Mpofana Kingdom so the concept of land to me is as fleeting as these pop-up political parties. So let whoever wants to rule, campaign to rule. There is no race or language group that can be above another in a secular state & if Afrikaners think they'll take over South Africa with ease, they are welcome to do so & have my full blessing. I just would like to see how things plan out & if the ever-accommodating blacks of the land will welcome another Afrikaner broederbond government.


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