OFF TOPIC: Donald Trump, America's failure to understand sentiments/culture.

I've learnt a lot about politics in the past few years (since 2014). I now understand that populists & dictators are misunderstood by the West because of different cultures & customs of certain lands. I can see this as someone who is relatively familiar with the Usonian & English-speaking world. 

Before you judge me as being sympathetic to tyrants, I think you must take time & research all these dictators the world hates so much. Hitler, Gaddafi, Idi Amin Dada etc. These were people that got into power because they believed that they could make a difference & make their nations great. Except for Hitler in Germany, many nations a decade or two after the dictator has fallen claim that they either miss the dictator or life was better under the dictator. Dictators are not made of steel, emotionless & heartless as the world would like to make us believe they are. So-called dictators are human, flesh & bone like you & I. 

Mr. Donald Trump was the furthest thing from the above-mentioned dictators for me though because I've seen the man. He's decisive albeit a little harsh but he gets the job done & I don't think he made his millions by being an idiot. So here, I do not defend Trump instead I claim that the U.S.A. does not understand sentiments so finds it hard to accept conservative ideologies. There is a reason rabid nationalism gains popularity with people that feel ignored & downtrodden. Because while certain types of oppression are put in the limelight, other types of oppression are ignored. How much more punishing is the school environment than actual bullies? We talk of black oppression that we forget that there's black people being oppressed by black people. We almost glorify a certain type of suffering that other types of suffering are ignored. If we only focus on certain kind of oppression & leave out other more painful types of oppression we cause a divide. When this divide sees a little light & someone, even casually, speaks of it it goes out of control because the sentiments have been hidden & engrained so deeply in someone that when they eventually see the light, they almost explode in popularity. I believe this is the case in these Trump followers. 

Usonians are rarely oppressed or experience any hard suffering as other places in the world so they would not understand a leader with conservative populist sentiments. I'm under the belief that most Americans follow the same direct, money-making mentality & care for nothing else outside their world view. But Italians understood Mussolini, the West made Libyans hate Gaddafi when a large majority of Libyans initially loved him... populists are understood by their people. It is only when foreigners enter the mix that things go wrong. We understand that some dictators are brutal & have no concern for the human rights of some citizens of the land but the fact that crowds follow & love these "populists" is testament to the fact that they meet the needs of certain groups of people & they are not some strange flukes with a Messiah complex, but are given authority by the people. 

So, while I do believe that Trump said some questionable things, we must understand where it comes from & he could, at least, follow normal procedures & protocol even if he does not agree with his counterparts. I do believe under a different environment, Mr. Donald Trump could've been more appreciated by the majority. The problem with populists when they become dictators is that they believe that the law does not apply & at times, laws they made themselves are sometimes broken to continue an agenda. Long gone are the days when populists, tyrants or dictators either fled the land or died when their cause failed, it remains to be seen what becomes of Trump.


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