Should Africa create it's own operating system?

I'm one of the people that clicked accept on WhatsApp's new privacy laws & already knew that I'd be sacrificing my privacy even more than I was already doing before. Android is the most used operating system in the world today, it probably eclipsed Microsoft's Windows in the early 2010's. Microsoft realised that smartphones are reaching the capability of common Windows PCs & went into the smartphone market with the Microsoft Lumia. They dabbled in the cellphone market before the Lumia project with HTC & other cellphones that used Windows Mobile OS but the Lumia became the standard Microsoft smartphone product around 2010. The Lumia gained some popularity but I'm guessing that Android was winning the race & the Microsoft Corporation had to pull out. Most popular operating systems today "spy" on the users, operating systems & device manufacturers alike "spy" i. e. collect personal data of their users. Now, most people who know anything about cyber-security know this but common people may not. We've heard claims that a smartphone camera or PC webcam can be remotely turned on & used by either the software manufacturer or the device manufacturer, this might sound very intrusive to average folk but it can be done with today's technology. Even smaller software brands like Samsung's Linux-based Tizen can spy on it's users because of the kind of technology used today. With smartphones, tablets & smartwatches being used on every corner, cameras are everywhere. Even your files (pictures, videos, music etc.) can be spied on.

From Twitter.

Africa already has various smartphone brands & there are some software developers on the continent, could we not develop an operating system for the continent? Even maybe a Linux-based OS if we can't build one from scratch? We probably could because there already are established software brands which aren't exactly made by African-Africans (Africans of African descent who speak African languages) but the struggle would be for it to gain popularity because when most Africans buy a phone, tablet or computer - they really don't care what operating system is in it as long as it has WhatsApp & makes phone calls. I'm saying this because I honestly would rather be spied on by someone in Juba than someone from another continent. I'd rather buy a decent African brand than a top end global brand, even if they are of a similar price. I'm always loyal to the cause of Pan-African development & I believe we can't develop if we can't make our own things (e. g. our own food, clothes, books, technology etc.). So making & popularizing African software could boost the African economy, improve Africa's tech economy (create jobs) as well as improve our cyber-security. The bad side is that developments on the continent brought about by foreign tech companies would be stripped away so we'd have to go all the way in filling the void left.

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