What really is best for South Africa?

I've been a proud South African, I loved the diversity of this land & liked what everyone in this land brought to South Africa. What made me suspicious of the infrastructure of South Africa was frankly the appointment into presidency of Mr. Jacob Zuma. This was a man that was sort of villianized by the media when I was at varsity, I simply did not think he would be president & I was proved wrong when he became the second Zulu president of South Africa (the first with a full term in presidential office). The problem most people including myself had with Mr. J. G. Zuma back in 2009 was that he had lingering criminal charges & was frequently in court. My standards were much higher back then but I didn't see Msholozi as fit to be President of South Africa. 

After accepting that this man from Nkandla who was imprisoned in Robben Island & fought for a democratic South Africa was going to be president, I began to question South Africa... hearing of Orania & a Cape Republic only formed a stronger sense of questioning... I began to ask myself, where exactly is South Africa going?

A lot of people claim South Africa is going to "end up like Zimbabwe" which isn't too farfetched if things continue in this way. I find people who are optimists in South Africa are oblivious to the lived realities of common citizens so whenever someone hypes South Africa up to be this dreamland, be careful, ask who it is a dreamland for because it sure as hell isn't for common everyday people. The #ProudlySouthAfrican hashtag has almost become a cringefest whenever I see it online, this is coming from someone who used to brandish it so frequently on social media. I'm probably not alone at looking at patriots with disdain today, most people today garbage anything patriotic about South Africa. This is because being a patriotic South African is quiet different from being a patriotic Pedi, for example. Being a patriotic South African is almost endorsing - at the risk of sounding racist - white prosperity at the cost of black suffering because while South Africa did become democratic & changed it's flag & coat of arms, little else did. The very foundation of South Africa was built on the ashes of the defeat of indigenous black people. White hypermasculinity still terrorises innocent black children creating either a defeated mentality or ridiculous pro-white belief among black children which is neither healthy or sustainable.

There are some deep problems in South Africa's socio-economic & socio-cultural landscape. While most whites want to rush into the future, blacks have scars of a system that wanted nothing to do with them, a system that once wanted to eradicate them & kill them off. Personally, I believe for South Africa to become a healthy land psychologically, socio-culturally & socio-economically for all it's citizens, it has to divide. The unity concept has already been tried, so please spare us. No world cup victory or odd "moment of pride" can fix our current state. 

Dominant languages in South Africa's regions.

In this divided South Africa, lands would be given autonomy & sovereignty but would continue being in the South African Union for as long as they see fit & secede should the union no longer serve them. Similar to when Ethiopia gave all it's territories the right to secede from the Ethiopian state at one point. The nation-states of South Africa after this proposed system is implemented would be (in alphabetical order):

Khoi & San states 
KwaNdebele (with option to reunite with Mthwakazi)
• Pedi territory
• Sotho territory (with option to reunite with Lesotho)
Swazi territory (with option to reunite with Eswatini/Swaziland)
• Tembuland (along with Mpondo territory) 
• Tsonga territory (with option to reunite with Gaza in Mozambique)
• Tswana territory (with option to reunite with Botswana)
• Venda
• Xhosaland

This will ensure the majority of South Africans / former South Africans sustain a dignified existence in their new lands & ensure some economic stability in the former South African area.


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