Importance & fame.

When we are younger we all want to be famous & want everyone to know us & be "popular". This is not a new thing however, it goes back to the times of the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is a story of how we want to live forever like the famous song in the musical goes, "Fame! I want to live forever!" Roman Emperors sought to be remembered forever through their deeds both horrible & great. But what does it really mean? You'll be remembered & some years later, people will joke about you or remember you fondly when you are no more but what will it mean to you? Is pleasing people enough for your life or should you not be pleased yourself? Pleasing the masses is a vortex because you'll never do enough to please everyone. The most famous humanitarians & philanthropists can tell you that you can't please everyone, there is always someone ready to hate you out of the blue. Once you're famous or important many of your contemporaries will dislike the spotlight on you, so is fame really worth it & why do we want it? Did a commoner in ancient Europe who ate a good meal daily & lived a pleasant life with family & friends not have a better life than many kings who led armies into battle & were constantly paranoid of who wants to kill them next? Seeking fame is a self-imposed burden because once you are famous, you can be hero or villian depending on which way the wind is blowing despite your best intentions. Seeking to be of importance is the other side of the same coin because once you are important, you'll have a level of responsibility of which your image & reputation depend on your ability to fulfil the duties of your "important" position. 

How much more important are you compared to various other celebrities? There are people out there who are seen as more important than so-called celebrities but don't have any money or fans if that makes sense. Because for me, in my world, Ukhozi FM & other radio show hosts are more important than many other global celebrities... maybe proximity increases importance... even though Xi Xingping is likely more important & influential to a common person's world than someone in his/her neighbourhood. What creates importance? And are importance & fame the same? Because AndrĂ© de Ruyter is important, Khanyi Mbau is famous. Everybody recognises Khanyi Mbau but she is of no real importance to South Africa. Everybody knows Pearl Thusi, Nomzamo Mbatha, Sjava, Trevor Gumbi etc. but these people are of no real importance in South Africa. But ask people on the street whether they know Jeff Hadebe, Romeo Khumalo or Sipho Nkosi, they'd just look at you in confusion. You really can have meaningless fame. You'll just wonder why you know this person & what real value does me knowing them add to my life. Why do you know Zodwa Wabantu? What does you knowing them mean in real life? How does knowing Pastor Mboro really help you in life? 

Once you're important & famous, then what?

With this I conclude that by living a common, mundane, unexciting life; you are not being useless. Why should the world know you if you are not doing anything to improve humanity in the least? There's even famous models now, you'd think a model is just a human mannequin but they often give out their opinions on world issues, & I don't think they should be made champions of causes if they are not qualified or well-versed in the subjects they're commenting on. But, as times would have it, a model once had a television talk show. If you're paid to look good, do that. There are people more qualified to comment on subjects other than you that should be paid for what they're doing & don't need you cramping them talking things you know nothing about when they went out of their way to study & examine what they're talking about. Personally, I know I have no business commenting on the newest music because my music tastes are quite outdated so I reserve my comments on the latest music hits. N. B.: Social media is not a place to get expert opinions. There are many ways to gain fame or notoriety in this world where news travels across the world at the click of a button. So I respect people who don't want to be in the spotlight, want to be seen or be of "importance" not because they have anything to hide but because they don't see fame & importance as important as peace of mind. In a world that's spinning out of control like a hurricane with people wanting this one day & that the other day, be a rock. So when the hurricane passes, you'll still be planted firmly where you belong when others would be flung far in places unknown.


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