
ABOVE: A common slogan & imagery when people rebel against oppressive, corrupt or foreign governance.

We have a problem.

We just simply can't mind our own business. I'm referring to this concept I learnt in the past decade, sovereignty. According to my dictionary, it is:- "The state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations" for a country or for the individual, "The liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions." And I understand that. An individual is their own sovereign, a family is sovereign over their own day-to-day practices, a romantic couple is sovereign in things happening between them, a nation is sovereign over the politics of their land. I have always seen things this way for as long as I can remember. It's your life & you will meet your fate, where will other people be when you're in the dumps by yourself? They won't be there because they have their own lives to live. Likewise with countries, every country (or region) has it's own thing going on, for example, here in South Africa nobody cares what's happening outside their town or city... every town or city has it's own sort of "sovereignty". When I am in KZN, I really couldn't be bothered what Gauteng or Western Cape wants, it's only when we talk about something happening across the country in many provinces that we may become concerned by it. Swaziland, Botswana & Lesotho are our neighbours internationally but we don't really care what they're up to because we respect their space. They have sovereignty over their land. But like people in daily life, we do have these busy-bodies that are overly concerned with what other people do. 


I like Serbia, I like Serbian mannerisms, I like how they do things. To me the Serbian way is familiar, it's something I can get. I won't adopt any Serbian customs or learn Serbian but I kind of get what they're about so this bombing of Belgrade that happened in 1999 is strange to me.

Alright, Serbia killed innocent civilians... how does the U. S. A. fit into the equation? Isn't Serbia a sovereign state or did they owe the U. S. A. something? I'm trying hard to get what the U. S. A. is really about here but it just keeps getting harder. Where is the U. S. A. when all these crime capitals of the world are killing innocent people? This foreign policy lacks commonsense.

But since it does not concern my land specifically, I am more than happy to mind my own business even though I do not condone countries interfering in the business of foreign lands.


I like reading things & learning new things. One of the things from a book I read is this:

"Sovereignty is the absolute & perpetual power of a commonwealth; which the Latins call 'Maiestas', the Greeks 'Akra Exousia', 'Kurion Arche' & 'Kurion Politeuma' & the Italians 'Segnioria'... while the Hebrews call it 'Tomech Hévet' - that is the highest power of command." 

Jean Bodin wrote this in 1576, meaning minding your own business is not a new concept in the Western world & I don't think it's a new concept in Africa either. So while some want to be their "brother's keeper", you can't always baby him & you must just simply mind your own business.


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