
I write things online to expose certain things that I believe should be known & I'm not a perfect person myself but I'd assume people in important leadership roles would be more caring of the people they govern as they are people & not robots manufactured in a laboratory to govern. And I really wanted to see a new Africa somehow, an Africa that's in touch with it's origins & has a simplistic approach to solving problems with the new technology of today. I'd like to see a self-sufficient sub-Saharan Africa but that is just a dream because there are global capitalists that want to keep Africa, or parts of Africa, in chains. But in my African Dream, Africa would be food secure & have a big network of trade & be a bit socialist in that
1) our cars, buses & trains would all be made by various interconnected companies that use the same or interchangeable technology for electric & solar powered mobility. This would allow for all charging ports, batteries & car parts to be compatible,
2) we'd use three currencies in sub-Saharan Africa (west, east & southern currency) & use various African-made cryptocurrencies. This is to ensure if one currency becomes unviable, we'd have options of other currencies.
3) We'd have an African-made operating system that would power our phones, tablets & smartwatches.
4) We'd resolve our conflicts internally with a strong AU peacekeeping force to ensure non-African powers do not take advantage of a conflict in Africa by deploying their forces to raid & loot under the guise of "fighting for peace"

This is, however, a clear utopian dream... perhaps some would even say it's reminiscent of the famous Wakanda of Black Panther but then again, perhaps they got the idea for Black Panther from us. My dream is possible but unlikely because of obvious restrictions of the above proposals. In addition to this new economy above, there would be a redrawing of Africa's borders according to precolonial states/regions. Maybe the redrawing of Africa's borders is just romantic but I think it is important culturally for our full development as an African people & may be too psychological, psychosocial or too sociological & intricate for some to go into detail but the concept of an Africa of nation-states is not a new thing, it's simply what we were on the eve of colonization.

West Africa & Francophone Africa conspiracies

• One of the big stumbling blocks in Africa as well as our biggest assets in a way is Nigeria, this is the biggest country in Africa as well as one of our biggest economies. What the West dislikes most about Nigeria is it's massive population hence the likes of Boko Haram (which I suspect to be funded from outside Nigeria) are so strong there. The kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram in Nigeria has a hidden meaning, they want to control the Nigerian population because the girls would give birth to more people & I wonder if any of those girls were sterilized or brainwashed during captivity. I've said it before & I'll say it again, Nigeria is struggling to keep it's population within it's borders. Nigeria being a British creation makes me want to see it separated into it's precolonial states i. e. Sokoto Caliphate, Wogodogo, Oyo, Benin etc. This would also divide the Nigerian population into the various countries where they may, theoretically, have more manageable populations. 
Ghana: Ghana to me is, technically the Asanteman state because the original Ghana Empire was where Mauritania is today. The world seems to treat Ghana as a nation-state even though it sort of is because it has one dominant group, which I believe to be the Twi-speaking people, it has other ethnicities & on top of that it has borders drawn by non-Africans. Ghana is also know as the main part of west Africa where slaves were taken from to the New World (i. e. America) so the West always favours Ghana as well as Nigeria, Angola & Cameroon because that's where slaves were taken from. In Ghanaian history, there was a mixed-race individual called Jerry Rawlings who was ardently against corruption in the land & dealt with it very cruelly which is why perhaps the West like Ghana more.
Francophone Africa: I think English-speaking Africa is better off culturally than French-speaking Africa because French-speaking Africans almost think that they are French & have almost alienated their African heritage. I don't want to sound judgemental but it's so bad that they are killing English-speaking Cameroonians in Cameroon. It's becoming a case of "speak French or die." And even though I do support countries that unite under one language, it cannot be that we are killing each other over languages that are not our own.

I am exposing west Africa like this because while being the strongest region in sub-Saharan Africa, they can easily be taken advantage of by those that want their resources. While my South Africa is a land that probably isn't easy to mess around with because of the diverse people in the land, many developed countries don't want to "come at us sideways" as it were because they have their descendants here, but we are still vulnerable because of the lack of vigour & hardened nationalist stance at defending our country that the Apartheid nationalist government seemed to have. African leaders as well as globalist capitalists won't want to see an Africa with decolonised borders though because it would mean losing out on money. The across board technological advancements I proposed in my African utopia might also be met with competition by those that don't want to use pan-African devices or transport vehicles & they should be allowed to do so. These would be my starting points were I King/Emperor of Africa (I mean this in jest & know I'll never rule Africa).


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