
Showing posts from May, 2020

Black on black hate.

I remember a comedian commenting on how black people are bigger victims of crime committed by black people than their white counterparts. Further going on to say something along the lines of " It's easier to rob someone in the ghetto than travel miles to a white suburb where there's tons of security to commit the same crime".  Speaking from a South African perspective, it can't be that black people are still at the bottom & constantly ridiculed & victimised by a country's system when non-black minorities are kept so safe & attended to as though royalty. I'm not saying non-black minorities of South Africa should be as much victims of the system as the black people of the land but when is the askari-ism going to stop? I think this needs to be exposed, black people hate each other more than other races do .  Also, there is no way decades after "decolonisation", Africans are still seen as the scum of the earth to this day by

Electric & solar-powered vehicles.

Since the future is probably electric vehicles, I took the liberty of compiling some of the stunning machines I've encountered in the past few years. • Kiira solar bus : Just have to start with this African company doing wonders out in Uganda. They manufacture electric vehicles & recently manufactured their Kayoola solar bus. Good news for Africa. • Stella Lux : This is a family car made by a Dutch company. It is known for being one the longest running solar cars (off of one charge) in the world. • EVX Immortus : This is the world's first solar-powered supercar. Upon laying eyes on it, you're struck with a sense of wonder & hope that petrol stans will, one day, be converted by the sheer efficiency & style solar cars like the Immortus exude. • Optimal Energy Joule : This is a South African creation via a British Jaguar designer. It had high hopes & was set to go into production in 2012 or 2015 but haven't seen many on the road so I'm guessing the

Why South Africa is so bad at basketball.

So I did a topic on why South Africa is doing badly at soccer & think I should do something on South African basketball & it's dismall state. South Africa has a basketball culture. As a KZN boy, one of the stronger basketball provinces in South Africa, I know that KZN basketball has it's scenes & has some talent. In fact, KZN is only second to Gauteng simply because Gauteng has more resources but when it comes to raw talent, KZN has tons of it. In South Africa, we've exported some of our talented players such as Tsakane Ngobeni who was such a great talent for Hamilton College in the USA that they retired his number & Thabo Sithole who went to Euroleague basketball club Zalgaris Kaunas. But none of these players have lead South Africa to any sort of glory except in minor events such as the BRICS Games. South Africa's BNL (Basketball National League) doesn't get as much attention as most basketball players in it probably would like. I've seen

Umqondo wokuzimela nokuzenzela.

Namuhla, kunzima ukuthi izwe likwazi ukuzimela ngaphandle kwosizo kumanye amazwe. Kodwa, mhlasimbe, sekuthiwa nali izwe lifuna ukuzenzela kwonke, lingaphumelela na? Kwona-ke, emandulo kwakuvele kuzenzelwa. Yonke into oyidingayo kwakumele uzenzele kumbe uyithole lapho okhona ngoba kwakunzima ukuya kwelinye ikhaya kumbe elinye izwe uthi uyothola okuthile ngoba izimoto namabhanoyi kwakungekho okwokusiza ukuthi usheshe ufike kuleyo ndawo oyothola khona okuthile ngoba nokuthutha izinto eziningi ezisindayo kwakungayona into eyayivamile. Baze bancama ukufuya nokutshala phela abantu ngoba indaba yokuzingela njalo nokulanda isitshalo lapho esizikhulela khona yahamba yabehlula. Ngempela, kwakumele uzenzele kwonke lapho okhona  ngoba indaba yohambo ulambile nokwenza ungazi ukuthi uyoyithola noma cha into yokudla lapho oya khona kwakungenye into.  Namuhla, sithenga ezinye izinto kumanye amazwe kodwa kungaba yini umuphumela uma sesithi sivala kwonke okwamanye amazwe bese sivula okwe

Constant growth.

We can't avoid change, it is inevitable. But this does not mean we should force ourselves to change for no reason. I say this in the light of new inventions, new technology & 5G popping up. Don't get me wrong, I love progress & invention but I think we're at a point where we should limit what we consume so we do not deplete unrenewable resources on the planet. By this, I mean technology that causes environmental damage should be given a period to be used e. g. five years & then made illegal or heavily fined after that period. There's is only so much we can consume before these unrenewable resources run out or their use causes extensive damage to the planet. Think of how many cars, phones & all sorts of other luxuries we really don't need there are. If you care of future generations & the longevity of life on this planet you'll understand the need for this call. We need to reduce our consumption if we want our way of life to continue. There n

List of African Invention & Innovation.

• Stone tools created in eastern Africa at Lomekwi in the Turkana Basin 3,3 million years ago . • Tool industry 2,3 million years ago called the Oldowan tool industry. • Acheulean tool industry 1,5 million years ago in Africa spreads to Middle East & Europe 800 000 to 600 000 years ago. • Homo Erectus uses fire 1,5 million years ago. • Bone tools & backed blades by Homo Sapien 90 000 to 60 000 years ago in southern & east Africa. • Oldest rock art at Blombos Cave, South Africa 77 000 years ago (early chemistry ). • Lebombo Bone from Swaziland is the oldest known mathematical artefact which shows 29 distinct notches depicting a month cut into bone around 35 000 BC. • Iron, bronze & brass used in west Africa by 1200 BC. • Swahili traders were major suppliers of gold to Asia in the Red Sea & Indian Ocean trade routes (recorded by north African explorer Abu Muhammad ibn Battuta ). • Steel forging by Haya in Tanzania by 1 BC. • European travelers in th


Today, we had the pleasure of having an online lecture by Prof. PLO Lumumba who was speaking on Pan-Africanism. I'm a Pan-Africanist by nature myself despite coming from a very reserved background where the people around me did not appreciate anything foreign. The problem with the way many people speak of Pan-Africanism today is that it's almost self-defeating. Just because we're all black, doesn't mean we'll all get along. As I write this blog atrocious crimes are happening in Ambazonia in Cameroon by the government of President Paul Biya. The Ambazonia killings are not even because of ethnic differences, they are between French speakers & English speakers. Both groups are black, English & French are European languages to top it off. Africans can be divided by something as petty as that. As much as we dream of this "United States of Africa",  it just simply won't work in a continent where people still practice & believe in witchcraft.