
Showing posts from June, 2020


I've been thinking & reading up on this concept of utopias or "ideal societies". People often say "A perfect society doesn't exist". Alright, sure. Perfection is often an unattainable concept but let's put it in alternate terms. A straight line between two points is perfect, right? You can't find a shorter distance between two points other than a straight line, so that straight line is perfect, therefore, simple practicality can be considered perfect. A country that uses solar buses in an uninterrupted transport system might be considered ideal right? Maybe, utopian? For, South Africans a country with an efficient 24/7 transport system is pretty close to a utopia. What I am trying to get at is that utopia is often closer than most think. A country that is simply run well with anti-corruption laws is utopia for me. I look at European, Asian & American countries & just long for just things these people take for granted. A government that

Who is Mthoko Mpofana?

The man behind this blog is an average Joe from KwaZulu-Natal who likes reading up on common topics to get the story behind the story. My favourite topics to read up on are history, geography, anthropology, a little astronomy & love watching wildlife footage. I also like microblogging (Twitter). Find me on my socials to get a little more of what I'm about below this paragraph. Thanks for reading this blog, I'll post something whenever I feel there's a subject to write about. Facebook   Facebook page   YouTube   Twitter   SoundCloud     Blip FM   MocoSpace   Instagram   My music album (Free download)   Ask me a question anonymously   Google   My official Android app   Talks with Mthoko podcast   Talks with Mthoko podcast Facebook page For people who want to get to "get familiar", here's my  WhatsApp : +27847181987

Black on black hate 2.

I wrote about black on black hate in a previous blog & today I want to focus on ethnic, cultural & national differences which separate black people. Black people are as diverse as any group in the world. On the African continent alone, without the diaspora, we are probably the most ethnically & linguistically diverse group or race in the world. We simply cannot force ourselves to unite because we're all black because when you think of how different we are, forced unity almost sounds absurd. A giant black Babylon can only cause more problems than it will solve. Every black person has their own ancestors & ancestral language. I'm going to write about the four main black on black hate rivalries I've seen: NIGERIA VS SOUTH AFRICA   This rivalry also sometimes extends to the football field. I think this rivalry comes from the fact that our Nigerian brothers still think South Africans are "cooning" when showing solidarity with their white popul

South Africa's Indian population.

I grew up with Indians. In fact, I was once the only black guy in a white class & the only black guy in a group of Indians. I can imagine how odd that looked but didn't think much of race growing up until race affected me heavily in my teens which is a story for another day. Recently, South Africa's Indian population celebrated its' 175th anniversary in South Africa in 2013, if I'm not mistaken. They are 2,5% of the South African population & around 7,4% of the KwaZulu-Natal  population. They were originally brought to South Africa as indentured labourers to work in KwaZulu-Natal's sugarcane fields becoming the the second group of Asians brought into South Africa after the Malays of Cape Town. Some went back to India like the famous Mahatma Gandhi & some decided to stay. The Indians that decided to stay faced discrimination under the Apartheid system but were still treated better than the black population & today still have better salaries than

Corona virus

• Corona virus or Covid-19 in medical terms is given the name because it has a crown structure ( corona means crown in Latin). It is said to have been found in 2019.  • It is said to have been discovered in a wet meat market in Wuhan, China  in bats. Then it was later claimed to be pangolins from Africa. Which raises question as to why it didn't kill Africans first because Africans have been living with pangolins for thousands of years. • Some scientists claim the corona virus would've needed 800 years to mutate naturally into it's current deadly form under the right circumstances, this means it was likely tampered with in a laboratory to become more deadly. • There were rumours that black people couldn't get it or it couldn't survive in hot areas like Africa but Algeria & South Africa are registering high numbers of infections & the African American community is said to be suffering more than other groups from the virus in the U.S.A. • Hoa

"There's no such thing as a South African."

Lesi ( isihloko ) yisisho esishiwo ngabantu nezifundiswa ezibona kungekho ukuzwana phakathi kwezizwe zas eNingizimu Afrika . Kuvamise ukuba ngabantu abakhula behlala nohlanga olunye ngoba abanye abakhula behlala nabantu bezinhlanga eziningi (intsha yasemadolobheni), baya ezikoleni zabelungu, ngakho ke, babona kuyinto ejwayelekile ukuhlala ezweni elinezizwe kumbe izinhlanga eziningi.  Umlando waseNingizimu Afrika ukhombisa ukuthi into ekuthiwa yizwe leNingizimu Afrika, yaqala ukucatshangwa ngamaBhunu asendaweni ekwakuthiwa yise- Transvaal . AmaBhunu enza amazwe phakathi nezwe ebaleka amaNgisi eKapa. Engakafiki amaBhunu namaNgisi, iNingizimu Afrika ingakabikho, kwakukhona izizwe ezazaziwa. Nokho zingenayo imingcele, kwakwaziwa ukuthi umuhlaba othile ngoweyiphi inkosi nokuthi ngeke uyohlala khona ngaphandle kwemvumo yenkosi ngaphandle kwempi. Ukufika kwabaseYurophu kwamosha kwonke ekwakuwaziwa ngabantu asebengabahlali baseNingizimu Afrika namuhlanje. Izizwe ezazikhona z